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Evangelia’s Olive Mill

Categories/tags: Animal power.

Historical context: In the early XX century, the village of Klirou was home to several olive mills dedicated to grinding olives for oil extraction. These mills were vital to the local economy and played a significant role in the agricultural practices of the region. While there were once four such olive mills in Klirou, only remnants of Evangelia’s Olive Mill remain today.

Christos Kaouranis. (2013). Evangelia’s Olive Mill.

Form – main architectural features: Evangelia’s Olive Mill, like other traditional olive mills of its time, consisted of a stone structure housing a large millstone. The millstone, powered by the labor of an animal, typically a donkey, was used to crush and grind olives into a paste, from which oil would be extracted. The architectural features of the mill reflect the craftsmanship of the era and the practical requirements of olive processing.

Function: The primary function of Evangelia’s Olive Mill was to process olives harvested by local producers, extracting oil that would be used for cooking, lighting lamps, and various other purposes. Producers would bring their harvested olives to the mill, where they would be processed using traditional methods. The mill played a crucial role in the local agricultural economy, providing a means for olive producers to extract oil from their harvest.

Lessons for sustainability: Evangelia’s Olive Mill offers lessons for sustainability, particularly in the context of traditional agricultural practices. While modern olive mills may use mechanized processes for oil extraction, the historical methods employed at Evangelia’s Mill demonstrate a sustainable approach that relied on animal power and simple machinery. Understanding and preserving these traditional techniques can offer insights into sustainable agriculture and heritage conservation.

Cultural heritage and tourism: As a remnant of Klirou’s agricultural past, Evangelia’s Olive Mill holds significant cultural heritage value. Its preservation by the Community Council reflects a commitment to safeguarding the village’s history and traditions. Additionally, the mill has the potential to attract tourists interested in learning about traditional olive processing methods and experiencing the rich cultural heritage of rural Cyprus. Guided tours and educational programs could enhance visitors’ understanding of the mill’s historical significance and its role in the local community.

Location: Klirou, Nicosia District – Cyprus


(Interviewee), & Georgiou, M. (Interviewee). (2023, August 9). Data from Interviews conducted for the project purposes.

Stavrou, P. (Researcher). (2023, August 14). Data from the “On the spot Research Activity” organized with the participation of Mr. Nikos Alexandrakis, Mr. Stavros Mavroudis, Mr. Mikys Georgiou, Mr. Georgios Galinis, and Mr. Demetrios Kolios, members of the Klirou community.