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Laoura Chain of Wells of Klirou

Categories/tags: Portable building techniques; Aqueducts for water management.

Historical context: In the records of Klirou’s agricultural history, the Laoura Chain of Wells – Irrigation Scheme stands as a testament to the community’s ingenuity and collaborative spirit. Originating from a clandestine meeting at a local coffee house in the mid-nineteenth century, influential landowners gathered with a shared ambition: to unlock the untapped agricultural potential of the Laura region. Faced with the challenge of enhancing agricultural productivity and livelihoods in the area, they conceived a visionary plan to harness the region’s water resources through an ambitious irrigation project.

Kyriaki Leventi. (2023). Laoura Chain of Wells.

Form – main architectural features: Central to the irrigation scheme was the construction of a network of wells interconnected by underground tunnels known as “Laumia.” These subterranean channels, meticulously excavated and extended northward, facilitated the flow of water through gravity, ingeniously eliminating the need for additional mechanical infrastructure. The underground aqueduct system, designed to transport water to the surface, epitomized the community’s resourcefulness and commitment to sustainable agricultural practices.

Function: The Laoura Chain of Wells served as a lifeline for agricultural activities in the region, ensuring reliable access to water for crop cultivation. Initiated by 24 dedicated families who pledged their labor to the project, the excavation of 61 interconnected wells marked the initial phase of implementation. Beginning with the “Jiefalolakkos” or Head Pit, each well contributed to the intricate network designed to channel water efficiently across the terrain. Through a combination of manual labor and strategic planning, the community succeeded in creating a reliable irrigation system that bolstered agricultural production and livelihoods.

Lessons for sustainability: The Laoura Chain of Wells exemplifies the sustainable utilization of natural resources and the integration of wind power to enhance agricultural productivity. By harnessing the force of gravity to transport water through underground tunnels, the project minimized energy consumption and environmental impact, offering a blueprint for eco-conscious engineering. Moreover, the community-driven approach to project implementation underscores the importance of collective action and shared responsibility in achieving sustainability goals.

Cultural heritage and tourism: Today, the Laoura Chain of Wells stands as a cultural heritage site, preserving the legacy of Klirou’s agricultural heritage. Visitors can explore the intricate network of wells and tunnels, immersing themselves in the history and ingenuity of traditional irrigation methods. Guided tours and educational programs offer insights into the community’s historical significance and the enduring relevance of sustainable agricultural practices.

As a symbol of resilience and innovation, the Laoura Chain of Wells continues to inspire future generations, reminding us of the transformative power of collective vision and collaborative action.

Location: Klirou – Cyprus


Mavroudis Σ. The Land of Our Ancestors. Loizidis, Nicosia, 2013.

Stavrou, P. (Interviewer), Mavroudis, S. (Interviewee), & Georgiou, M. (Interviewee). (2023, August 9). Data from Interviews conducted for the project purposes.

Stavrou, P. (Researcher). (2023, August 14). Data from the “On the spot Research Activity” organized with the participation of Mr. Nikos Alexandrakis, Mr. Stavros Mavroudis, Mr. Mikys Georgiou, Mr. Georgios Galinis, and Mr. Demetrios Kolios, members of the Klirou community.