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The Ecological Houses of Klirou

Categories/tags: Portable building techniques, Drystone terracing in agriculture.

Historical context: The ecological houses of Klirou were constructed with ingenuity and craftsmanship to withstand the region’s diverse weather conditions. Built primarily in the mid-twentieth century, these houses reflect the traditional building practices of the era, utilizing locally-sourced materials and sustainable techniques.

Polina Stavrou. (n.d.). Ecological house of Klirou.

Form – main architectural features: Constructed from materials such as soil, water, stones, and timber, the ecological houses of Klirou exhibit unique architectural features. The construction process involved meticulous foundation preparations, skillful placement of stones, and the use of clay bricks known as “plitharka.” The houses were designed with well-ventilated walls and roofs crafted from local reeds and branches.

Polina Stavrou. (n.d.). Ecological house of Klirou.

Function: They served as resilient and comfortable living spaces for the village’s residents. Designed to withstand the challenges of the local climate, these houses provided thermal insulation and protection from the elements. The incorporation of natural materials and sustainable building techniques ensured the longevity and durability of the structures.

Lessons for sustainability: The houses offer valuable lessons for sustainability in architecture. By utilizing locally-sourced materials and traditional building techniques, the builders minimized environmental impact and optimized the houses’ performance in their specific climatic context. This sustainable approach showcases the importance of resourcefulness and ingenuity in creating environmentally-friendly living spaces.

Cultural heritage and tourism: As part of Klirou’s cultural heritage, the ecological houses attract tourists interested in traditional architecture and sustainable living practices. Guided tours and educational programs offer visitors insights into the history and craftsmanship behind these unique houses. Preservation efforts by the local community and authorities ensure that these architectural gems continue to inspire future generations and contribute to the cultural identity of Klirou.

  • Photo extracted from the book: Christoforou, T. P. Klirou, in the Time of Our Great-Grandparents. Nicosia. (2021)
  • Kyriaki Leventi. (2023)
  • Kyriaki Leventi. (2023)

Location: Klirou – Cyprus


Stavrou, P. (Interviewer), Mavroudis, S. (Interviewee), & Georgiou, M. (Interviewee). (2023, August 9). Data from Interviews conducted for the project purposes.

Stavrou, P. (Researcher). (2023, August 14). Data from the “On the spot Research Activity” organized with the participation of Mr. Nikos Alexandrakis, Mr. Stavros Mavroudis, Mr. Mikys Georgiou, Mr. Georgios Galinis, and Mr. Demetrios Kolios, members of the Klirou community.